Cordless Rivet Nut Gun Drill Adapter

1. Pick the right size opening for your rivet.
2. Attach the tool to cordless drill.
3. Hold the tool, before it starts to grab the rivet, hit reverse on your drill until you feel click. The rivet can be fitted in once the teeth widen.
Put the rivet in the tool and slowly hold the handy part of the tool and pull the drill trigger, when you feel it start to grab the rivet.
4. put it in the hole that you wish to rivet and keep holding the handy part and hit the drill at full.
5.Once the rivet pops, keep holding the handy part of the tool and hit reverse on your drill.
6. The teeth will widen and the old rivet shaft will drop to the ground. Put your drill back in the forward position and repeat.

Package included:
1x Rivet Adapter
1x Wrench
1x nozzle

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